
I'm Jose Nunes

Frontend Developer

Hi, my name is Jose Nunes, I'm a Frontend Developer from Portugal. Being a developer for more than 10 years now, I've worked on several challenging and interesting projects.

I love to build usable, accessible, and beautiful interfaces. I'm a big fan of clean, reusable, and maintainable code. I'm constantly trying to improve and to learn new things.

Although I started my Frontend career working with vanilla JavaScript and jQuery, I've been working with React for almost 8 years now.

Get in touch


  • React/React-Native
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript (ES6 +)
  • CSS in JS
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Node/Express/NestJS
  • GraphQL

Recent courses I took

  • Practical UI - User interface design book
    Adham Dannaway
    This comprehensive book guides us on a journey through the principles and practices that form the foundation of exceptional user interface (UI) design.
  • The Ultimate Guide To ChatGPT & Midjourney
    Colt Steele
    Practical course, focused on teaching how to use ChatGPT and Midjourney to improve life and productivity.
  • JavaScript: Understanding ES6 and Beyond
    Anthony Alicea
    This comprehensive course, curated by Anthony Alicea, is designed to equip learners with a deep understanding of modern JavaScript.
  • The Joy of React
    Josh W Comeau
    "The Joy of React" is an online course created by Josh Comeau. This course is designed to take learners on a delightful journey into the world of React.
  • Understanding HTML and CSS
    Anthony Alicea
    Anthony Alicea is simply a phenomenal teacher. He one more time manages to deliver a course with several eye opening moments, even for experienced web developers.
  • CSS for JavaScript Developers
    Josh Comeau
    Probably one of the best courses I took. Super high-quality material inside, with a bunch of extremely valuable extras. I highly recommend this course.
  • Epic React
    Kent C. Dodds
    There is not much left to say about Kent C. Dodds. He is one of the best teachers and content creators in the React ecosystem. This course is a masterpiece.
  • Just Javascript
    Dan Abramov and Maggie Appleton
    Dan and Maggie offer us a fresh way to visualise and develop bullet proof mental models about JavaScript.
  • Create a Database Schema using the Amplify Admin UI
    Ali Spittel
    An excellent and concise course about AWS Amplify Admin UI.
  • Learn CSS
    An evergreen CSS course and reference to level up your web styling expertise.